
 In Gyeongsangnam-do

General Information

✔️ Registered 2020

✔️ Host Female

✔️ About us
Dandelion Community is a Christian community where we strive to live a simple, deep-rooted, and pure life. People of various ages live together, eat together, work together, and worship together. We have a large chicken farm and a garden that is used for education and feeding our community. We are trying to maintain a safe environment because children attending Dandelion School live in the same precincts. Work can be flexible depending on the needs of the community. We provide a variety of accommodations at the community including 3 meals a day and a separate room and bathroom. Our campus also has variety of facilities including a main hall, a cafe, a bakery, a library, and an alternative technology center. In addition to Koreans, there are a few foreigners also living here.

✔️ Farming Experience Since 1995

✔️ Farm Type ommunity village with garden, natural poultry, alternative school with elementary through high schoolers.

✔️ Main Crop
Rice, eggs, red pepper, cabbage, radish, onion, garlic, corn, pumpkin, beans, cucumber, eggplant, sweet potato, potato, carrot, herbs, etc

✔️ Farming Method
Natural rice farming, pesticide-free and manure fertilizer (jadam method) farming, feeding the pigs with the leftover and food waste, composting, animal and vegetable permaculture practices, Korean natural farming method, and sustainable living. At our poultry farm we make our own chicken feed and give it to chickens. We fermented the grain and supply red clay and grass to chickens as food. When weather permits, we release chickens so that they can live happily while enjoying freedom in nature. Farming is done in an ecocyclical way. We use chicken manure from the chickens we raised for field farming and rice paddy farming.

✔️ Organic Lifestyle
Efforts to reduce disposable items, zero food waste, use solar cells, recycle and upcycle, and live as self-sufficiently as possible.

About Host & Member

✔️ Family / Member

4 couples, and 4 other community members, and 9 students.

✔️ Animal
chickens of different breeds, pigs, goats, dogs, geese, wild ducks, cats, pheasants, chicks, ducklings.

✔️ English Fluent

✔️ Other Language

WWOOFer’s Work

✔️ Works
Feeding and caring for chickens is something we do year-round, including picking and packing eggs for sale. Other year round activities are feeding and caring for goats, including milking goats in the spring, summer, and fall. Sometimes during the cooler part of the year there are opportunities to learn meat processing. We also have a bakery that we operate year-round, and building and construction projects that the WWOOFer can participate in. There are also seasonal jobs that change throughout the year:

Spring: Preparing fields for planting, planting seeds in trays in the greenhouse, planting, transplanting all vegetables, and making vegetable related infrastructure including paper and plant based mulching. Harvesting fruits and making jam. Weeding.

Summer: Early summer, finishing vegetable planting, preparing rice paddies and planting rice. All summer, Making jam, drying herbs and harvesting and preserving vegetables, weeding the garden.

Fall: Planting and maintaining kimchi vegetables, making natural pesticide and fertilizers using plants. Harvesting peppers, sweet potatoes. Planting strawberries.

Winter: Early winter, harvesting kimchi vegetables and making kimchi. Mid to late winter: maintaining strawberries and other plants in the greenhouse. Cleaning the chicken coops and spreading fertilizer on the rice fields. Lectures on natural farming methods, permaculture and ecology available in the winter months.

✔️ Working Hours 4-6 hours a day

✔️ WWOOFing Season All year around available

Cultural Exchange

✔️ Knowledge / Skills WWOOFers can learn
Natural poultry, dairy goat care, vegetable farming, sustainable farming theory (lectures available in the wintertime), construction, baking, sewing, farm machine maintenance, rice farming, meat processing.

✔️ Experiences WWOOFers can expect
Daily care of animals, gardening a whole variety of vegetables from sweet potatoes to rice, lots of social opportunity in our cafe with many community members from different countries and backgrounds.

✔️ Preferred WWOOFer
A person who has no difficulty living together, a person who is sincere and honest, a person who is positive and communicates well, a person who is responsible for his/her life.

✔️ Message to WWOOFers
Our community is not a single family, but a Christian community where people of all ages live together. Please feel free to ask questions or voice concerns, and have an open mind to various cultures. Foreign community members with a lot of knowledge and experience in agriculture will often instruct the tasks or work. together with you. Alcohol and cigarettes are not allowed because there is a school here.


✔️ Type A separate room and bathroom is available for the wwoofer.

✔️ Room Sharing
Wwoofer has their own separate room and bathroom as a separate apartment. In the event of multiple wwoofers being hosted at once, arrangements for wwoofers of the same gender sharing a room could be made.

✔️ Internet Possible

✔️ Drink & Smoke No smoking / No drinking

✔️ Distance from house to farm 5 minutes by walk


✔️ Sharing a Meal

Three meals together with host.

✔️ Organic Ingredients

Everything that is produced on the farm is eco-friendly. Rice, eggs, vegetables, etc.

✔️ Vegetarian Possible

Check Point

✔️ Preferred Length of Stay

Two weeks to more is preferred, but any length of stay can be arranged.

✔️ Capacity 1-10 people

✔️ Accept Short Stay(~3 days) Yes

✔️ WWOOFers with Children(under 15 yrs) No

✔️ Accept Minor(16~18 yrs) Yes

Sunday Sun Monday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Wed Thursday Thu Friday Fri Saturday Sat

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