
 In Chungcheongnam-do

General Information

✔️ Registered 2024

✔️ Host Gender Male

✔️ About us

We believe in the healing power of nature that satisfies the biophilia drive, and our farm serves as a place to heal people’s hearts through agriculture. Surrounded by mountains and with pristine streams on both sides, inhabited by crayfish that dwell only in Grade 1 water and fireflies visible in the summer, our farm remains untouched by environmental damage. Visitors to the farm often experience a sense of healing just by sitting there, thanks to its natural setting.

Our main produce is the Daebong persimmon tree, and since 2018, we have been cultivating it using natural farming methods without chemical fertilizers or pesticides. Although the appearance of our persimmons may not be as visually appealing as some, we take pride in their high sweetness compared to any other persimmon in South Korea.

I, personally, lived in the city for my entire life until 2018 when I returned to the countryside with my family to establish a healing farm. Prior to this, I spent about 15 years working as a middle school teacher. Currently, I operate the healing farm with qualifications as a clinical psychologist. I am wholeheartedly running programs to help visitors find psychological stability in our farm setting. In the hustle and bustle of modern society, I hope that individuals can find solace in nature, accepting that ‘it’s okay to slow down a bit.’ We run various healing programs not only for preventive subjects (individual and family healing) but also for special-purpose subjects (developmental disorders, schizophrenia patients, mild cognitive impairment seniors, etc.).

My life motto is ‘Let’s be warm.’ Despite being an amateur in farming, not particularly skilled in physical labor, I enjoy connecting with people, listening to their stories, and empathizing with them. If the warm-hearted could visit our farm, it would truly bring happiness.

✔️ Farming Experience since 2018

✔️ Farm Type Healing farm

✔️ Main Crop persimmon

✔️ Farming Method

Every early winter, we sow green manure seeds to manage weeds on the farm and contribute to soil enrichment. We do not use any chemical fertilizers, herbicides, or pesticides. We cultivate Daebong persimmons using only compost as fertilizer. Additionally, each late autumn, we sow green manure seeds such as barley, rye, and hairy vetch to improve soil fertility and enjoy the benefits of landscape agriculture while enhancing overall farm productivity.

✔️ Organic Lifestyle

1. Use a tumbler instead of disposable cups.
2. Use recyclable items.
3. Conserve energy.
4. Strongly oppose indiscriminate rural development

About Host & Member

✔️ Family / Member

two family members

✔️ Animal

5 dogs and 7 cats (including 2 indoor cats)

✔️ English


✔️ Other Language

WWOOFer’s Work

✔️ Works

March – Farm surroundings cleanup, crop fertilization, persimmon tree pruning.

April – Field preparation (plowing, etc.), assistance in educating healing subjects.

May – Planting field crops, frame garden maintenance, weed removal, assistance in educating healing subjects.

June to October – Crop management, weed removal, assistance in educating healing subjects.

November to December – Harvesting and processing crops, sowing winter cover crops, assistance in educating healing subjects.

✔️ Working Hours

4~5 hours per day/ one day off per week, subject to farm conditions

✔️ WWOOFing Season

Unavailable January to February

Cultural Exchange

✔️ Knowledge / Skills WWOOFers can learn

Carpentry skills, agricultural techniques, psychological counseling skills, etc

✔️ Experiences WWOOFers can expect

Assisting in the healing program for participants, cooking, and short trips with the host family

✔️ Preferred WWOOFer

Someone who can treat healing participants encountered on the farm without prejudice, someone who can treat plants and animals with love, someone who can listen to the opinions of others, and someone with a warm heart

✔️ Message to WWOOFers

Please adhere to the rules to be followed on the farm


✔️ Type

Shared use of the living room and bathroom with the host or farm staff.

✔️ Room Sharing

A WWOOFer can share a room with the same sex
(but this will be requested in advance)

✔️ Internet Possible Wifi

✔️ Drink & Smoke

Smoking and drinking are allowed, but excessive drinking is discouraged

✔️ Distance from house to farm

Within a very close 5-minute walking distance


✔️ Sharing a Meal

A WWOOFer eats one or two meals a day with host. And the rest, cook by yourself. (Ingredients provided)

✔️ Organic Ingredients Farm and Garden

organically grown ingredients cultivated directly on the farm, but some ingredients supplied from certain markets may not be organic

✔️ Vegetarian Impossible

Not suitable for vegans and vegetarians

Check Point

✔️ Preferred Length of Stay more than a month

✔️ Capacity 2 people

✔️ Accept Short Stay No

✔️ WWOOFers with Children(under 15 yrs) No

✔️ inor(16~18 yrs) No

Sunday Sun Monday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Wed Thursday Thu Friday Fri Saturday Sat

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