
 In jeju-do


✔️ Registered 2013

✔️ Host Gender Female

✔️ About us
We have run organic ecology tea field since 2006.
Main working is harvesting tea leaves in April and process our products by ourselves to sell them.
Tea field is about 30,000 py, including accommodation and facilities to process tea products.
We work with staffs and also animals such as pigs, chickens and sheep to help me out.
They are like my family and precious members to run our farm.

✔️ Farming Experience Since 2000

✔️ Host Type Organic ecology tea field utilizing animals

✔️ Main Crop Green tea

✔️ Farming Method
Agriculture is considered as the basic root of human society.
I make much of production activities and the value through working.
The way of production activities for agriculture makes people and nature healthy.
I keep a balance of ecosystem and acknowledge the role of them by farming. (soil microorganism, various primary bug, and herbivore are members of ecosystem in my farm.)
I look for variety, balance, safety, and health through the way of agriculture.
Agriculture is the industry that have to continue and can maintain the dignity of human in the future.
I practice thinking like above the phase through working in the agriculture.
I do not use chemical fertilizers and pesticide in my farm.
I manufacture the nutrient of plants, which is made of Fishery by-products, utilized plants around here, and fermented microorganism by myself in every moment.

✔️ Organic Lifestyle
We don’t use disposable products.

About Host & Member

✔️ Family / Member employees and union members

✔️ Animal Cats and Dogs

✔️ English Conversational English

✔️ Other Language

WWOOFer’s Work

✔️ Works
March : pruning tree as a pre-harvesting management and cleaning
April : harvesting tea leaves, making tea and tea packaging
May : harvesting tea leaves, weeding and spreading the fertilizers
June : making fermented tea
July : cutting off the grass, covering the soil, and pruning tea trees
August : weeding and making liquid fertilizers for trees
September : making fermented tea of fall
October : providing the fertilizers to tea trees
November : pruning and winter preparation
December : harvesting tangerines

✔️ Working Hours
8 a.m – 12 a.m / 1:00 p.m – 2:00 p.m

✔️ WWOOFing Season From March to November

Cultural Exchange

✔️ Knowledge / Skills WWOOFers can learn
Managing a tea plantation and processing tea leaves

✔️ Experiences WWOOFers can expect
Harvesting tea leaves and making tea

✔️ Preferred WWOOFer
WWOOFers who are diligent

✔️ Message to WWOOFers
Morning is very important for farmers.


✔️ Type
Living in independent house with WWOOFers(a bedroom, living room, kitchen, bathroom)

✔️ Room Sharing
2 Rooms – men and women classification

✔️ Internet Wireless Internet (WiFi)

✔️ Drink & Smoke No drinking / No smoking

✔️ Distance from house to farm 7 Minutes by car


✔️ Sharing a Meal
Breakfast and lunch together, and dinner separately.

✔️ Organic Ingredients 70%

✔️ Vegetarian Vegetarian available

Check Point

✔️ Preferred Length of Stay
More than 3 weeks.

✔️ Capacity 4 people

✔️ Accept Short Stay(~3 days) No

✔️ WWOOFers with Children(under 15 yrs) No

✔️ Accept Minor(16~18 yrs) Yes

Sunday Sun Monday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Wed Thursday Thu Friday Fri Saturday Sat

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