
 In Gangwon-do

General Information

✔️ Registered 2023

✔️ Host Gender Female

✔️ About us

Our farm informs students and urban residents of the importance of natural ecology and environment through eco-friendly farming methods and operates a healing farm with horses, dogs, and cats. After a three-year family trip to the world, I have been operating a school for young people and teenagers since 2009, and in 2022 it has been designated as a social farm and a rural study center in Yeongwol.

Our farm also provides care for the vulnerable in social farm activities and education on basic farming activities. The school is a wooden school built in 1944 and has a residential facilities.

As I have a lot of experiences traveling around the world, I can inform foreigners of Korea well, especially about the activities on environmental issues.

✔️ Farming Experience Since 2020

✔️ Farm Type etc

✔️ Main Crop Ogafi, sweet potatoes, corn, cabbages, radishes and other household crops

✔️ Farming Method

We practice free, pesticide-free, herbicide-free, and do natural farming. I’ve been farming for three years by making and using EM and liquid fertilizer, and the soil is being well prepared.

I will not use chemical fertilizers or pesticides in the future, and I will study farmer-culture. So far, there is a difference compared to ordinary field crops, but there is pride in growing healthy crops. In particular, pepper farming works well without fertilizer or pesticides so we are promoting the brand of medicinal products.

We are practicing to become an open farm that anyone can eat while passing by.

✔️ Organic Lifestyle

Saving electricity and water, reducing food waste, making compost, reducing disposable, recycling rainwater, etc.

About Host & Member

✔️ Family / Member

Husband, daughter and her husband, school teachers

✔️ Animal

Two horses, seven dogs, three cats

✔️ English


✔️ Other Language

Spanish, French

WWOOFer’s Work

✔️ Works

January-March: Reparing the School (old wooden school) and farm

April: Making Fields and Spreading weeding matts

May: Planting potatoes, corn, sweet potatoes, peppers, and eggplant

June: Removing the weed, planting soybean, Giving EM

July: Planting Chuseok cabbage, Giving EM

August: Preparing Corn Harvest and Autumn Cabbage Seeding, Giving EM

September: Woodworking and farming for farm decoration, Giving EM

October: Harvesting sweet potato and stem, drying and fielding

November: Harvesting cabbage and radish, Making kimchi

December: Cleaning up the School and Farm (cleaning the stable, training horses, horseback riding, etc. throughout the year)

✔️ Working Hours

5~6 hours a day, It can be different depending on the seasons and the farm situation

✔️ WWOOFing Season All year around available

Cultural Exchange

✔️ Knowledge / Skills WWOOFers can learn

Korean, Korean food, horseback riding

✔️ Experiences WWOOFers can expect

✔️ Preferred WWOOFer

A person who is bright, healthy and likes sports and people

✔️ Message to WWOOFers

Unfortunately our farm is not proper for the smokers and people who drink too often


✔️ Type

Shared Living room and toilet with host or farm staff

✔️ Room Sharing

WWOOFer can be shared room with same sex (but it will be asked before)

✔️ Internet Possible Wifi

✔️ Drink & Smoke No smoking / light Alcohol Possible

✔️ Distance from house to farm

5 minutes by walk


✔️ Sharing a Meal

WWOOFer eats meals one or two meals a day with the host. The rest cook by yourself. (Ingredients provided)

✔️ Organic Ingredients Farm and Garden

Eco-friendly ingredients as much as possible

✔️ Vegetarian Impossible No

Check Point

✔️ Preferred Length of Stay 2 weeks

✔️ Capacity 5 people

✔️ Accept Short Stay Continuous Wwwoofing (more than twice in a month) possible

✔️ WWOOFers with Children(under 15 yrs) Yes

✔️ Accept Minor(16~18 yrs) Yes

Sunday Sun Monday Mon Tuesday Tue Wednesday Wed Thursday Thu Friday Fri Saturday Sat

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