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Live and learn on organic farms in Korea

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What is WWOOF®?

Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms (WWOOF) links visitors with organic farmers, promotes an educational and cultural exchange and builds a global community conscious of ecological farming practices.

WWOOF was founded in 1971 and is one of the world’s first educational and cultural exchange programs. Today, WWOOF is in more than 132 countries around the world (and growing).

How it works

WWOOF in Korea

WWOOF Korea is the national organization helping to create local WWOOFing opportunities in Korea and to promote sustainable farming as a lifestyle.

Visitors, or 'WWOOFers', share in daily life with their host and learn about organic agriculture, while spending about half of each day helping out on a farm.

About us

Be part of the WWOOF community

Be a WWOOFer

Share daily life on an organic farm, learn about sustainable lifestyles and experience new cultures.

How it works

Be a Host

Welcome people from various walks of life and share your expertise and passion about organic farming, growing food, and living sustainably.

How it works

Discover WWOOFing

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Promoting cultural and educational experiences for a sustainable global community


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