How did WWOOF start?

WWOOF originated in 1971 when Sue COPPARD, an Englishman, spent her weekends helping out at an organic farm in the Sussex region and received lodging and lodging.

The Origin of WWOOF

Initially, the name WWOOF stood for Working Weekends on Organic Farms. However, it was changed to the abbreviation of “Willing workers on Organic Farms” in 1982 under the agreement of WWOOF’s representatives as the working days were no more limited to weekends.

WWOOF is a global network that connects organic farms with volunteers. It is an activity (or a program) that expands opportunities for cultural exchange and education, coexists with nature, and creates a sustainable global society based on trust with no financial exchange.

Representative Departments of Each Country

WWOOF is currently available in 153 countries around the world. Among them, 55 countries are well-managed for having each representative for their countries. The rest of the countries with fewer hosts are managed separately in the United Kingdom. Representatives of each country discuss agendas of WWOOF through online channels.

In addition to that, once every three years, an international delegation meeting was held, and in 2011 it was held in Korea. Although all countries share the basic ideology, each country operates independently. Throughout the year, there are approximately 12,000 hosts and 150,000 WWOOFers that are active worldwide.

There are five countries where Koreans go to WWOOF the most.


No. Each country has a representative office, so you only need to register in the country you want.
Yes, wwoof is an organization that has representatives from each country, so you must sign up for membership in each country separately.
In Europe, there is discussion about a unified membership, but it is expected that it will take time.
There are 143 countries in the world where wwoof activities can be conducted, and 55 of them have representatives.
The remaining 90 countries are managed by independent countries because there are not many hosts.
Yes, the basic rules of working 4-6 hours a day and receiving room and board are the same.
Although each country operates independently, the ideology and mission are shared.
It was started with the purpose of helping organic farmers, so basically most of the work is farming.
However, different farms can do different jobs at different times.
Because you work and live with locals, if you speak the local language to a certain extent, it is much more convenient and you can have deep communion with them.
For reference, satisfaction with Overseas wwoof is In the case of high, it was investigated that most of them speak the local language to some extent.
Yes, each individual must apply for a visa for the duration of their stay in the respective country, and usually participate with a tourist visa.
One or two days off per week are given, but each host is different.
This also varies from host to host, but basically, wwoof is free time after 4-6 hours. Some farms work 8 hours a day and take a day off the next day.
Because wwoof is provided with lodging and meals, transportation costs are mainly used the most.
However, in case of an emergency, we recommend that you prepare a sufficient amount of money and go.